· A selection of local residents, who are associated with cruise tourism in Ulukhaktok, suggested the following actions and strategies for maximizing the benefits of this sector to the community while minimizing the negative.
- Improve Communication Between Ships and Communities
- Provide Tourism and Entrepreneur Training Opportunities for Local Residents
- Invest in Local Infrastructure to Support Tourism Economy
- Improve Emergency Preparedness and Search and Rescue Capabilities
- Improve Arctic Charting and Navigation Systems
- Develop and Disseminate a ‘Community Handbook’ of Cruise Ship Regulations
- Introduce Inuit Environmental/Wildlife Monitors On-Board Ships
- Hold Regional Arctic Cruise Policy Workshop
- Consider Additional Cruise Regulations and Appointing a Dedicated Authority
Inuvialuit ihumalutian kanuk havakniagahaa titigahimayok atani (ilangit atoktaoliktun). Kanatum tunnuani uumiakgiakhilikman maligakhan titikan titikgagialakingmiyut. Nunatian atlaan imikun maligakhanik titigakhimayun.
- Okakpaklutik
- Inuvialuit ilihautilugit monilioknikmun
- Kinekhiayukhan haniakhimalugit ilihautilugitlu
- Nunauyat nutangoklugit
- Uumiakun pulakataktun maligahain Inuvialuitnun ilitogipgalugit
- Inuvialukmik monakhiniklugit
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